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Youth Volunteer Opportunities - Perth District Health Unit
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Become a Student Volunteer
For students, we offer community service and co-op field placements that could include some of these opportunities:

  • Help staff at community events, health fairs and clinics
  • Help staff with general administrative tasks, such as photocopying, data entry, folding brochures, etc
  • Put up posters in your local community
  • Work closely with our staff to meet your co-op objectives.

How do I Become a Volunteer
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for the Perth District Health Unit, please print and fill out the volunteer application (PDF).

  • Mail it to: Perth District Health Unit, Attention Coordinator of Volunteer Services, 653 West Gore Street, Stratford, Ontario, N5A 1L4,
  • Fax it to: 519-271-2195
  • Call: the Coordinator of Volunteer Services at 519-271-7600 ext 305 to ask for an application form to be mailed to you. Listowel area residents call 1-877-271-7348 ext 305.

The Perth District Health Unit is an equal opportunity employer and values workplace diversity.

Be a Teen Esteem or Elements Volunteer
Interested in a short-term volunteer placement (five to seven weeks) that involves mentoring youth? The Perth District Health Unit has two programs that offer this type of volunteer position. You can volunteer as a Teen Esteem or Elements volunteer in the spring and/or fall at local schools.

The Teen Esteem program is a school-based program involving female volunteers for Grade 7 and 8 girls. The Elements program involves male volunteers and is for boys. The programs “raise the consciousness of students and the school community to the critical and crucial decisions youth face.” It is a series of sessions during the lunch hour, open to boys and girls in both the Public and Catholic School Boards.

Volunteers visit the school once a week for a one-hour workshop with the young boys and girls during their lunchtime. The volunteers facilitate discussion and provide support with sessions outlined in the manual designed by public health nurses. There are a total of seven sessions for Teen Esteem and five sessions for Elements. Each week the boys and girls are provided with a series of activities, games, discussions and handouts that compliment the curriculum. The last week is a celebration for the volunteers and students where they join together for pizza, crafts and certificate presentations.

Orientation and training is provided by public health nurses prior to the sessions.

If you are interested in this short-term commitment please read the volunteer agreement, complete the volunteer application form.
Teen Esteem – Volunteer Application (PDF)
Elements – Volunteer Application (PDF)

  • Mail it to: Perth District Health Unit, Attention Coordinator of Volunteer Services, 653 West Gore Street, Stratford, Ontario, N5A 1L4
  • Fax it to: 519-271-2195
  • Call: the Coordinator of Volunteer Services at 519-271-7600 ext 305 to ask for an application form to be mailed to you. Listowel area residents call 1-877-271-7348 ext 305.

The Perth District Health Unit is an equal opportunity employer and values workplace diversity.

Every 7 minutes in Canada, someone dies from heart disease or stroke. Smoking is responsible for 14.54% of all heart disease and stroke deaths.
(Statistics Canada, 2005)
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