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Influencing Public Policy I & II
What the heck is policy and why should we care? Public Policy shapes almost everything we do. This training explores the three levels of government in Canada (municipal, provincial, federal), how public policy is developed and how youth can influence, change or create public policy decisions.
Who Should Attend:
Youth who are interested in health promotion and advocacy work.
Training Time:
Part I is 3 hours, Part II is 3 hours, Part I & II together is 6.5 hours (including breaks and a 30 minute lunch)
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By the end of this 6-hour module youth participants will be able to:
  1. Describe the policymaking process to support health promotion.

View Objectives


By the end of this 6-hour module youth participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the elements involved in policy making and key policy actors, including definitions and key terms;
  2. Develop and practice skills around negotiation;
  3. Describe and name the components of the policy cycle;
  4. Identify 3 policy actors and their roles;
  5. Identify 3 best practice policy changes that create supportive environments for healthy nutrition, tobacco control and increased physical activity

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14.1 million Canadians are overweight or obese. That’s 4 times more than the entire population of Iceland.
(Tjepkema & Sheilds, 2005)
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